The Registry

What is the ANZTCR?

The Australian & New Zealand Cancer Registry (ANZTCR) is a clinical quality registry that monitors the quality of care provided to Australians diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

The ANZTCR was established in 2017 and is managed by the Cancer Research Program, within Monash University’s School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. The School has extensive experience in both the establishment and management of clinical registries and is considered a centre of excellence in clinical registry science.

The ANZTCR aims to identify unwarranted variation in the treatment and outcomes for people with newly diagnosed thyroid cancer and provide timely risk-adjusted benchmarked reports of quality of care to participating hospitals.

The registry is overseen by a Steering Committee which includes the following representatives: Endocrine surgeons from each jurisdiction (including New Zealand); endocrinologists; head and neck surgeons, general surgeons, nuclear medicine doctors, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, database managers, patient advocacy, Australian Thyroid Foundation and Monash University.

Data collection

The ANZTCR collects information about the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of individuals with thyroid cancer. This information is collected by the treating surgeon (or their staff) from hospital medical records, private clinician medical records and email or SMS surveys.

This information collected is used to measure the quality of care provided by participating hospitals. Reports are provided to participating hospitals that to show their quality of care and outcomes compared with those of other participating hospitals. This highlights the areas where a hospital is providing good quality care and where improvements in care might be made.

Participant information will be used by the registry team to generate reports for hospitals, publications, presentations, and future research projects that require registry data. The information will be reported in such a way that you cannot be identified.

The data in the ANZTCR may also be used for future research projects. Any research project wishing to access registry data are required to get approval from the relevant ethics committee and the ANZTCR Steering Committee.


The ANZTCR is supported by the Australian and New Zealand Endocrine Surgeons (ANZES).
Additional funding has been provided by industry partners.

Meet the Team

The ANZTCR is governed by a Steering Committee that plays a significant role in guiding registry strategy and policy, monitoring data collection and quality assurance, reviewing data requests, and producing data reports and publications, as per the Australian Operating Principles for Clinical Quality Registries.

Professor Jonathan Serpell

ANZTCR Clinical Lead

Director, Department of General Surgery
Alfred Health

Professor Jeremy Millar

ANZTCR Academic Lead

Professor, Monash University
Director of Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health

The operational team includes: Mr Benjamin Brown (Registry Coordinator) & Dr Liane Ioannou (Research Fellow)